Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy by James Tyler Kent

Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy by James Tyler Kent

LECTURE 1 : Organon § 1. “The sick”.
LECTURE 2 : Organon § 2 The highest ideal of a cure.
LECTURE 3 : Organon § 3. Perfection of what is curable in disease, curative in medicine and the application of last to first.
LECTURE 4 : Organon § 4. ” Fixed principles.” Law And Government From Centre.
LECTURE 5 : Organon § 5. Discrimination as to maintaining external causes and surgical cases.
LECTURE 6 : Organon § 6. The unprejudiced observer notes only chance of state as shown by symptoms.
LECTURE 7 : Organon § 7. Footnote. Indispositions and the removal of their cause.
LECTURE 8 : Organon § 9. Simple substance.
LECTURE 9 : Organon § 10 and 11. Disorder first in vital force.
LECTURE 10 : Organon § 13. Materialism in medicine
LECTURE 11 : Organon § 16 (1) Healthy state. (2) How made sick. (3) How cured only deranged and cured in dynamics planes.
LECTURE 12 : The removal of the totality of symptoms means the removal of the cause.
LECTURE 13 : The law of similars. [Read Organon § 21-25.]
LECTURE 14 : Susceptibility.
LECTURE 15 : Protection from sickness. Organon § 35 et seq.
LECTURE 16 : Oversensitive patients. Organon § 44 et seq.
LECTURE 17 :The science and the art.
LECTURE 18 : Chronic diseases – Psora
LECTURE 19 : Chronic diseases-psora (continued)
LECTURE 20 : Chronic diseases-syphilis
LECTURE 21 : Chronic diseases-sycosis
LECTURE 22 : Disease and drug study in general
LECTURE 23 : The examination of the patient
LECTURE 24 : The examination of the patient (continued)
LECTURE 25 : The examination of the patient (continued)
LECTURE 26 : The examination of the patient (continued)
LECTURE 27 : Record keeping
LECTURE 28 : The study of provings
LECTURE 29 : Idiosyncrasies
LECTURE 30 : Individualization
LECTURE 31 : Characteristics
LECTURE 32 : The value of symptoms
LECTURE 33 : The value of symptoms. (continued)
LECTURE 34 : The homoeopathic aggravation
LECTURE 35 : Prognosis after observing the action of the remedy
LECTURE 36 : The second prescription
LECTURE 37 : Difficult and incurable cases – palliation