Bronchitis: Homeopathic Medicine for Bronchitis
What is Bronchitis ?
What is Acute Bronchitis ?
Whai is Chronic Bronchitis ?
Bronchitis: Homeopathic Medicine or Treatment for Bronchitis.
Homeopathic Medicine for Bronchitis.
List of Homeopathic Medicine for Bronchitis
Ammonium Carbonicum :- Ammonium Carbonicum is one of the good Homeopathic Medicine for Bronchitis Heaviness in the chest, associated with burning. Coughs continually, but raises either not at all or with difficulty. Suited to fat, lazy and indolent disposition.
Ammonium Mur. :- Fat and sluggish the legs disproportionately thin. Coldness between the shoulder blades. Heaviness in the chest as of a feeling of a lump in the chest, but without burning Cough violent, during which the mouth is filled with saliva.
Carbo Animalis :- Suffocating hoarse cough producing shaking of the brain, as though the brain were loose in the head.
A cold feeling in the chest.
Expectoration is green, purulent and horribly offensive.
When the patient closes his eyes, he feels, as if he were smothering.
Carbo Vegetabilis :- Spasmodic cough, with deep rough voice or aphonia.
Burning in the chest, with a great deal of rattling.
Expectoration profuse yellow and more foetid than Carb-An.
Dyspnoea, worse on turning over in bed and dropping off to sleep.
Draconitum :- Yellowish purulent discharge at first watery and burning afterwards, of pus or muco-pus.
Balsam of Peru :- The discharge is thick, creamy and yellowish- white muco- pus. Loud raales in the chest.
Pix Liquida :- Purulent expectoration, offensive in odor and taste. Pain in the left bronchus.